Friday, December 30, 2011

Looking & Feeling Great In 2012

It's that time of year again...we're all making our resolutions, waiting until the clock strikes midnight to jump back on the bandwagon (or off, depending on your resolution), hoping this time we'll stick with our plans past January 1.  And it wouldn't be New Year's if I wasn't doing the same.  For 2012, I'm ready to take my youthful body back to its college years and shed my "newlywed weight".  My goal is to be down to where I was in college by summertime, and down to my ultimate goal weight (if there ever is such a thing) by this time next year.

This will be no small undertaking...the details of which I will outline come January 1, but I'm hoping you'll join me.  I'm going to go completely vulnerable on you guys (another resolution to be more honest and open) and give you the bare facts and feelings.  I'll post my weight, what I've eaten, when I want a few extra cupcakes, and all of the grouchiness in be prepared.  If you're brave enough, I hope you'll comment with your progress, and if no one actually reads this, well at least I have the illusion that someone is holding me accountable.  I'm looking forward to baring my soul (and probably my flabby abs) with all of you!

I'm hoping you all had a wonderful, amazing Christmas and have a great New Year's Eve because come Sunday, I'll be blogging from my elliptical!

Love and sparkles,

P.S. Eat your last goodies tomorrow! This is what I'll be shoving in my face to celebrate!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Empty Fears

DISCLAIMER: This is not a happy-go-lucky blog. In fact, it's somewhat depressing but full of honesty and it ends in hope.

I am a fearful person...most of us are trained to be that way from birth. Don't cross the street, it's dangerous; we're in a war, we could be attacked at any time. We learn to fear things outside of our control first and then start attributing the same emotions toward the things we can change. At least that's the case with me.

I let fear cripple me fact, I do a lot of times. My fears like to thrive on my rejections and they feast on that source of pain until they reach bone and really start doing some damage.

I feel rejected all the time. Girls, you aren't the only ones haha. I don't know anyone who hasn't felt rejected at one point or another, but I choose to carry mine with me (a choice I seem to make subconsciously and can't consciously get rid of). When I was very young, I was given up for adoption and throughout my childhood it never seemed to matter to me...I never knew my birth parents or really cared for that matter. In adulthood though, I've felt as if those years of indifference have caught up to me and left me broken and full of rejection fears.

Mentally, I know that this fear is illogical and downright stupid but emotionally it feels like the most sane thought in the world.

And that's where I'm at now; a little bit stuck with no idea how to move forward, and a lot bit scared that I would fail no matter which way I choose to go.

But as promised, there's a happy ending. I don't want to be in fear all the time. I want to face myself head on and get over it. I want to be the girl in the movie that doesn't have a care in the world...the sun always shines, my hair's always shiny, and my husband buys me all the Hello Kitty stuff I want (ok maybe I added that last one and it's way over-exaggerated but I've made my point).

So, here's where you come in. I can't do this alone and neither can you. If you're in a similar situation and you're sick and tired of being a slave in your own body, come on an adventure with me. Let's see what happens when we face one fear a day, just one. I want to hear your progress and your stories just as much as I want to share mine. Please, please, PLEASE comment me, tweet me (@sarafaithphotog), whatever you have to do. I'm inspired. Hopefully I can be an inspiration to you.

My inspiration today: "True Love" by Angels & Airwaves

Happy fear-facing!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Like A Kid On Christmas

I love the holidays.  There's something about this time of year that makes me nostalgic for things from my childhood.  Today has been full of Christmas burning in the fireplace, Christmas lights and decorations, wrapping and unwrapping gifts (I can't ever wait for my hubby to open his presents on he gets them early), and family.

I got Chris this work vest he's been dying for and filled it with all sorts of fun stuff...I kinda went crazy with his gifts this year haha. 

I'm keeping the Christmas trend going tonight by watching Rudolf as I blog :)  I LOVE this movie!!!  And even better, I have it taped (yes kids, taped off the TV) circa 1987 with all the commercials in doesn't get any better than this.  You haven't seen awesome till you've seen 35mm camera ads and old school M&M commercials.  I've never seen so many mullets.  I could watch this every day of December.

How cute is Rudolf?  I want to hear all about your holiday traditions...comment me and maybe I'll add them to our traditions list :)  Chewy is all ready for Christmas with his Santa outfit which he hates...I make him wear it though because he just looks so darn cute!!!

I hope you all are enjoying Christmas shopping and gift-giving...someone attend a white elephant party for me!!!  I love those!  Tomorrow I'll be blogging to you from Idaho...stay tuned!

Love, The Christmas Obsessed

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Winter DIY & All Things That Inspire

It must be something about the cold weather and Christmas that put me in a DIY mood.  We have gone DIY crazy these past few weeks at our house.  Everything from a garage renovation to custom Christmas gifts, we've done it!!!  I've had the most fun making photo gifts for my family...I always try to throw some photos into my Christmas projects in some way or another...I just love photography so much I can't help it! This year, I made a photo book for my mom full of photos of my sister and I "through the years"...I know she's gonna love it, mom's always love gifts involving their kids.  I'm hoping she doesn't decide to read this blog and spoil the surprise...cross your fingers for me!  Shutterfly makes it so easy to make's a screen grab of one of the pages I created...

Cute, right!?  I'm so excited to give it to her!  

The hubby has been hard at work doing DIY as well...his latest project has been renovating our garage which started out as a dusty, spider-invested, freezing cold (no insulation) storage space for our boxes...soon to be a bright white, clean photo/video studio!!!  I wish you could sense my excitement about this fully...but you'll just have to trust that I'll be talking about my "photo studio" quite a bit once it's finished.  Here's what it looks like mid-way through the daunting process...

It's crazy how much work it takes for a project like that!!!  

I've also been meaning to show you guys my most prized DIY project which is our dining room table that started out less-than-impressive and is now something I LOVE!!!  I promise you there will be a blog this week about it.  Thanks for being so patient with me and my lazy, forgetful blogging ways...I'll be more consistent, I promise!

Love and all the best, Sara.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blink 182!!!

You can't NOT get excited about Blink 182! I saw them two nights ago live and they were amaze! Can't get passed it still. Check out my crappy phone'll almost feel like you were there ;). Also, I have decided that once I turn 23 next month, this will be my theme song for the entire year.

Sara Faith

Rainy Day To-Do's

It's a rare rainy day here in Redding which is perfect for my productivity. I have a massive to-do list to accomplish and between being forced to stay inside and rain preventing me from completing half of my to-do's (no car washing or lawn mowing today!) I might actually get something done today. I'm working extremely hard to get this blog up and running for you guys. All my hair, makeup, and DIY videos will soon be in one place (other than YouTube)...and I might throw in some randoms just to keep things interesting. Subscribe and check back often to find out what I'm up to! Love you guys!

Sara Faith