Thursday, December 15, 2011

Like A Kid On Christmas

I love the holidays.  There's something about this time of year that makes me nostalgic for things from my childhood.  Today has been full of Christmas burning in the fireplace, Christmas lights and decorations, wrapping and unwrapping gifts (I can't ever wait for my hubby to open his presents on he gets them early), and family.

I got Chris this work vest he's been dying for and filled it with all sorts of fun stuff...I kinda went crazy with his gifts this year haha. 

I'm keeping the Christmas trend going tonight by watching Rudolf as I blog :)  I LOVE this movie!!!  And even better, I have it taped (yes kids, taped off the TV) circa 1987 with all the commercials in doesn't get any better than this.  You haven't seen awesome till you've seen 35mm camera ads and old school M&M commercials.  I've never seen so many mullets.  I could watch this every day of December.

How cute is Rudolf?  I want to hear all about your holiday traditions...comment me and maybe I'll add them to our traditions list :)  Chewy is all ready for Christmas with his Santa outfit which he hates...I make him wear it though because he just looks so darn cute!!!

I hope you all are enjoying Christmas shopping and gift-giving...someone attend a white elephant party for me!!!  I love those!  Tomorrow I'll be blogging to you from Idaho...stay tuned!

Love, The Christmas Obsessed

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