Friday, December 30, 2011

Looking & Feeling Great In 2012

It's that time of year again...we're all making our resolutions, waiting until the clock strikes midnight to jump back on the bandwagon (or off, depending on your resolution), hoping this time we'll stick with our plans past January 1.  And it wouldn't be New Year's if I wasn't doing the same.  For 2012, I'm ready to take my youthful body back to its college years and shed my "newlywed weight".  My goal is to be down to where I was in college by summertime, and down to my ultimate goal weight (if there ever is such a thing) by this time next year.

This will be no small undertaking...the details of which I will outline come January 1, but I'm hoping you'll join me.  I'm going to go completely vulnerable on you guys (another resolution to be more honest and open) and give you the bare facts and feelings.  I'll post my weight, what I've eaten, when I want a few extra cupcakes, and all of the grouchiness in be prepared.  If you're brave enough, I hope you'll comment with your progress, and if no one actually reads this, well at least I have the illusion that someone is holding me accountable.  I'm looking forward to baring my soul (and probably my flabby abs) with all of you!

I'm hoping you all had a wonderful, amazing Christmas and have a great New Year's Eve because come Sunday, I'll be blogging from my elliptical!

Love and sparkles,

P.S. Eat your last goodies tomorrow! This is what I'll be shoving in my face to celebrate!

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